M-F, 9 a.m-5 p.m +34 648 115 534, +34 622 723 365

Environmental studies

clear light bulb planter on gray rock
Photo by Singkham on Pexels.com

Environmental studies

  • Environmental Baseline Studies
  • Studies of Flora and Fauna
Specific birdlife studies:

Planning, development and analysis of data for specific studies of avifauna, as well as all types of follow-up, population analysis, sampling and monitoring of avifauna associated with wetlands.

Faunistic inventories and censuses:

Carrying out detailed inventories of fauna, to know the species present in a certain area, and thus be able to assess the existing populations and, if necessary, the possible effects of a project on them. The planning of these studies and the collection of data, as well as their analysis and assessment, using GIS tools and developing distribution models.

Fauna sampling:

Sampling of different vertebrate faunal groups, both specimens and populations, through the use of specialized techniques for each of these groups.

Chiropteran studies using infrared and ultrasound sensors, herpetofauna and mammals sampling by photo-trapping, ichthyofauna studies using nets and electric fishing, among others.

Vegetation characterization studies:

Preparation of studies characterizing the existing vegetation in a given area, through the identification of species, the description of the plant communities present and their distribution, the study of priority habitats and the preparation of the corresponding thematic cartography.

Studies of the structure and function of the components of the ecological system and identification of the essential ecological processes of the place, analysis of the area, representativeness and state of conservation, as well as the size of the population, degree of isolation, ecotypes or locally adapted populations, genetic group, and age structure.

Tree technical studies:

Preparation of technical studies of trees, carrying out an inventory of specimens and the specific assessment of trees, in order to know directly the current state of urban trees, and to be able to develop the corresponding Management Plans.

Botanical surveys:

Development of botanical surveys in the field, for the identification of protected flora taxa, the characterization of Habitats of Community Interest, and the botanical determination of specific areas.

Ecological and hunting studies:

Elaboration of studies of management and management of reserves, assessment of hunting damage, and hunting cartography and projects for the creation of reserves. Drafting of technical hunting plans, reports for the creation of refuges and hunting reserves and action plans for farm improvements. As well as analysis of synecological relationships, advice and environmental consulting for the control of invasive species.

Landscape integration studies:

Carrying out impact studies and landscape integration for all types of projects, preparing a detailed description of the state of the landscape and an assessment of the landscape, the projected elements and their potential impacts.

Subsequently designing the optimal measures to achieve optimal landscape integration, taking into consideration the indications of the European Landscape Convention. Specific landscape plans and relevant modeling will be prepared for these studies.

Noise Studies:

Carrying out noise measurements and drafting noise studies for facilities and activities.

Hydrological studies:

Preparation of hydrological studies for activities and projects located in the vicinity of riverbeds and bodies of water. Application of geographic information systems and specialized software for the elaboration of cartography in this area.

Water quality studies:

Planning and development of water quality studies, sampling, carrying out complete water analysis, and elaboration of dispersion models of contaminants in fluids.

Environmental Impact Assessment:

Preparation of Environmental Impact Studies for projects and activities of all kinds: industries, renewable energies, tourism facilities, hydraulic infrastructures and urbanization projects. Complete processing of the ordinary or simplified Environmental Impact Study, or any of the documents or specialized studies required for it. Both start requests, scope determination requests, analysis and definition of the project, studies of alternatives, environmental inventories, characterization of impacts, risk and vulnerability studies, preventive and corrective measures, environmental monitoring programs, associated fauna and flora studies. Specialized environmental thematic cartography, Response to allegations, etc.

Environmental Processing:

Preparation and processing of environmental communications, environmental prevention and control procedures, environmental qualifications, environmental reports, unified environmental authorizations, integrated environmental authorizations, as well as all the complementary studies to them.

  • Studies of effects on the Natura 2000 Network Environmental Engineering.
  • Territory Planning

Preparation of land planning and management studies for both protected natural areas (Natural Resources Management Plans “NRMP” and the Governing Plan for Use and Management “GPUM”), as well as for forests and areas of public and private ownership.

Ecological restoration:

Projects for the regeneration, recovery and ecological restoration of: areas affected by the construction of civil or urban works, abandoned quarries and other degraded areas, an ecological diagnosis of the area and restoration in accordance with the characteristics of each territory.

All this based on the restoration of the processes and the main agents involved, to achieve a true ecological restoration, which minimizes maintenance costs and offers innovative and guaranteed results.

Geographic information systems:

Preparation of environmental thematic cartography and application of geographic information systems to the development of studies on the capacity of the territory, intervisibility, flooding and fire risk, landscapes, among others. Development of Digital Terrain Models, with assignment of any type of variable with a geographic component. Other related activities.

Environmental technical assistance:

Technical assistance to public and private entities in the environmental sector, carrying out environmental inventories, thematic mapping, environmental surveillance and other tasks, to speed up and simplify the development of their activities and providing technical support so that these companies can opt for large projects and services.

Environmental tenders:

Preparation of all the necessary environmental documentation for the presentation of offers before the different Administrations and Public Organizations, for all types of services and projects that may require it.

Training Services:

Organization and delivery of training courses, conferences and seminars in the environmental field on environmental education, environmental management, planning, GIS, environmental monitoring, monitoring and conservation of flora and fauna.

Disclosure and Publication:

Design, preparation and edition of technical and didactic material on the environment and its conservation, as well as the publication of informative thematic documents on biodiversity and responsible tourism.